Read my whole blog
Look at all the Daily paintings on Pinterest
Look back at what I wanted to achieve at the start of the project
Look at my whole year's output, what worked etc
Consider what I enjoyed
Consider what I could have done better
Look at how to develop the project
I read my blog from April 2015
I looked at all the Daily paintings on PInterest AND
The blog was good for me, particularly when it started being an online journal/ diary. It doesn't matter whether anyone else reads it, for now. I enjoyed writing it and intend to carry on. I don't need to develop it at this stage. I don't know what other people think of it, not many people read it or comment on it.
Loved doing them.
Loved the challenge of the Dailies.
Found it hard to get them down to half hour, but did it.
When I started, I had to let them rest for a few days before calling them paintings . Now , I don't.
I dislike about 50 of the 365 paintings and will paint over them , or work back into them. Although,
the ones I don't like change daily.
I love the blending of the paint.
I don't feel the faces fit into the tear.
I couldn't maintain the sketches as well as the paintings.That's ok.
I love the distilled landscapes too.
I used acrylic, oils, pencil, printmaking, pouring.
A lot of the paintings need the backs painting or a frame on.
A lot of them feel romantic, dreamy sometimes too.
I felt a little pressure when I got behind with the Dailies, understandably.
I love the smell of paint and paint on hardboard.
I felt a little rusty when I had a break of a few days.
I always feel that the muse might desert me.
I wanted to create a new body of work - tick
I wanted to move my landscape painting along - tick
I wanted to see if I could do a daily painting - tick
I wanted to increase my online presence - tick ( 3,500 followers on pinterest )
I wanted to increase my income from my art - no tick yet.
Do what I want for a few weeks then make a decision.
What do I want to do........paint bigger, paint small.
Ideas so far.......
Morph the Daily paintings into , ' instants / half hourly / big sketches/ some other name '
Continue the Dailies working in different sizes ...... Not sure how that would work.... More thought needed.
Apply to commercial galleries - do it !
Etsy shop with my smaller images - nothing to loose , it can't be that hard ( she says )
This was the Daily painting. Very dark green under painting, lots of layers, lots of working back into the layers, used the etching tools to dig out some of the under layers.
Four Dailies together on the charcoal wall.
So, went back to small work to spend a pleasant afternoon, mixing paints and making small 12 cm sq work. Need to have a more systematic approach tomorrow and look specifically at the sunsets that I like.
Mixed paints ...... Colours maybe not as true as they are because it's evening now.the first one is actually the colour in the pot, Daler Rowney Naples yellow, it just doesn't look like any Naples yellow I know. Added in black ( second one ) doesn't look so bad now. Then mixed a navy blue, black and blue.Then mixed a kind of indigo, black, blue and purple. Second to last mixed rose with Naples yellow and finally put black in it. Loved mixing colours.have lots of pots to fill.
These are 73 to 81 in the evening series. What I wanted with this series was; sunset feeling, sunset colours, abstractions. That's what I got but it was hard . Not easy at them though ( well today I do, will I tommorow ? )
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