Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Small daily canvas

Ok, so the plan is to concentrate on the small 15 cm sq. paintings, to acknowledge them as a body of work, albeit, individual pieces. Make some different frames, put up a display in the Art lounge ( back room .) If I make 2 a day then it should take me about 10 days to make enough to put the display up.

I have made these from mountcard with a thin wooden frame on the back. It takes just a few minutes to make these . I can then stick my small paintings onto the boards.

 Below first batch of small boards with images stuck on. I can continue too work on these when they are dry. I have painted the sides and back with emulsion/ primer or gesso, whatever is to hand. Maybe the sides are a bit bright. Think on that. Mmmmmmm

These two above are pastels I did in the Art group yesterday. I ate pastels but can see that artist's whose work I like ie Karen Margulis and Loriann Signori use them . I liked the pastels I did better when I rubbed them off ! The second one was an old painting, a mixed media piece with pastel over it. Could see the potential but still hate the pastel !

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