Saturday, 15 November 2014

Reaction to the poured painting

Painted over an old painting on paper. Daily painting 13/11/14 . Ithis was definitely a reaction to the poured painting, which in feel sure I will paint over.Maybe next year I will be doing a project, ' re painting the Daily paintings !' Ha !Anyway, I mixed a couple of colours, the dusky green and dusky wedge wood blue. Loved them.
So this one, again over an old painting, used the paint as it comes and then added a bit of poured white paint. Liked that.Paintings get damaged over time, unless you take really good care of them.I have used newspaper to repair the damage.I like newspaper, I often use it in my art. I like the visuals of it .I love the colour. The associations for me are my Saturday institution of a Guardian, lots of cups of tea , lots of reading. Then using it in my art during the week.Love it.

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