Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Last 10 Daily paintings

Finished off a few Dailies yesterday from before my hand operation. Stitches out next week. I felt hesitant in the paint. That's just because I have had a break in the Dailies. You loose your confidence in the paint . Strange ! I didn't really like them but posted them on pinterest with the thought that I could paint over them . I have had this feeling throughout the Dailies and rationalise it with the thought that if I waited until I painted the perfect painting then there would be none posted.

When I pinned the Dailies from yesterday , they were re pinned by others. That made me feel so much better about them. Made me re-evaluate them in a way. Interesting.

Only 10 left now then new project ...... 
Back on 52 cm sq.Hesitant in the paint. Often, I feel that the muse might have run off when I come to paint.felt that majorly today. Get over yourself. What if you make a crap painting today, it doesn't matter does it ?

What I liked about this painting.
Loved the complex colours that come with mixing on the painting.
Liked the gentle , pastoral feel
A little romantic ? Perhaps....
Loved the scratching of the trees, the under painting was dark browns and greens.
We will see........

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