Sunday, 1 April 2018

Poem lines March 2018

So, continuing with the poem line series, 32 inches squared, acrylic on canvas. Creating paintings to fill the spaces in the Art lounge that had gone to Hope gallery, Redbrick Mill, Batley. It's lovely to be able to create paintings for my own space. No pressure.

' My air.' Acrylic on canvas, 32 inch sq.

This was the first. Worked on it intermittently throughout the week. What's it about ? Well, a lot of things really , colour, space, air, maybe the feelings that I experience in my landscape. The sublime ! Well, sometimes as an artist, you only know what they are about somewhere down the line.....

We have been looking at abstract painting in the Art group that I run and that makes me revisit abstract paintings. I think of my own paintings, in the main, as contemporary landscape paintings with an element of abstraction. I think of them as not completely abstract but rather based in the real world, my landscape of woods, hills, moors, water, weather. Love it . Love where I live in the Saddleworth hills.Bleak sometimes, wild sometimes, comforting at others.

' Cearuleun air,' acrylic on canvas, 32 inch sq.

I do paint intuitively and am aware that certain elements come through and appear time and time again. Strange isn't it ? But that the creative spirit for you. I think my own mood affects my colour choice but I am also aware that I do get caught up with certain colours at certain times. I am so into Cearuleun for the moment but it's not really one of my Saddleworth feels like it belongs to a warmer climate. And sea appears ! 

The two seem to be related. It seems like the first one was an arrangement of colours that almost settled itself into the second. If I take the images out of it, the first one seems vertical and the second horizontal. The palette is the same in the two so I think I will try to keep more to grey in the next ones. Maybe I will have exhausted my interest in Cearuleun, hopefully.

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