Saturday, 7 April 2018

Poem lines . April 2018.

So, continued with the Poem line series this week. Filled the walls in the Art lounge once again with 32 inch sq canvases. Enjoying he e paint at the moment but the process is very wet. Lots of spraying and dripping. Still caught up with cerulean colour, although it's not in my landscape at all. Will definitely use different colours this week to stop this kind of obsession with the cerulean blue.

With these, it is kind of putting down the paint instinctively and intuitively and watching for something to come out of the mixing and laying down of paint.

I am still interested in abstract there any painting that's a complete abstract ? Not sure on that....does an abstract image require an element of dispassionate observation to just be about the colours or the lines or the edges or the paint ? Thinking out loud and not sure of the answers.....

I know that I have also been influenced by seeing a distressed wall at Emmaus, where i run an Art group.They are turnng an old scrap shed into a kind of display space and when they cleared out the space, the walls looked amazing.....but of course, for them to have got like that, there must have been water and damp.mmm. Will continue to try and see if I can't somehow incorporate that into my paintings .

Far Away. Acrylic on canvas. 32 inches sq. This one is all mid toned, so shouldn't work, but it like it just as it is.

Texture of far away . Acrylic on canvas.32 inches sq.

These two mid toned pieces displayed on the chimney breast.words that come to mind when I look at them....calm....reflective.....subtle....hidden....they massively change when the light changes in the  room. Fascinating.

above and below, I did last week, but I have carried on the blues.

A cerulean feeling. Acrylic on canvas. 32 inches sq.

The three cerulean ones displayed in the Art lounge. They feel very uplifting paintings. Interesting.

This was the latest , again 32 inches square. May well work back into it, not sure of the green. Although I hadn't put any green down, there was paynes grey still wet on the canvas when I put a mixed gold down. He ho.

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