Saturday, 12 August 2017

Evening series. Final 8.

It's interesting that the colours in the landscape , in the evening, were cooler, clearer, less colourful.And yet, in my interpretation, I went for more , not less colour, particularly the yellows, pinks and greens. Enjoyed painting these pieces and have enjoyed living with them. Made myself crack on with painting the backs, putting on the frames and stringing the paintings, something I normally leave until the paintings are going somewhere ( usually to the gallery ) which means I have a lot of work to do ...and it's the work that I don't like....the fun is in the painting.

These are the final display of the Evening paintings....I have a few extra though.....and at this stage, I do intend to create some larger Evening pieces.

They do have a tonalist feel. That's fine though.

Acrylic on board, 52 cm sq. 

Acrylic on board, 52 cm sq.

Acrylic on bard, 52 cm sq.

Acrylic on board, 52 cm sq.

So, when I am painting, words, phrases and lines of poetry do complete to mind ....I often record them ...but I like that I can ,' shut off,' the words. It gives me the illusion that I can manage or control my own creative spirit .....which is questionable. If I haven't collected the words so haven't got a title , I put the painting down and try and look at it objectively, trying to catch the stream of conciousness words that come to mind. I usually can get a title from these.

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