Saturday, 4 March 2017

Quiet landscape 3

Quiet week this week. Appropriate since I am doing a display of Quiet paintings ! Trying to redo the Art lounge ( well back room ) so lots of sawing wood for the frames for the back of the pictures and lots of painting backs of pictures and putting strings on. Lots of work but a neccessary part of being a painter.

This is one wall of the Art lounge , the backs of these paintings not yet finished.

This is the chimney breast wall, I had just by chance put the two paintings up but really liked them together on the chimney breast. Another part of the room done ...tick

Trying to get subtle texture by putting the paint down and then pressing the towel on top of it.

Below the finished's cold though so I may well warm it up somehow tomorrow. Missed the paints this week ! Will have a paint day tomorrow.

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