Saturday, 29 October 2016

Tonalist landscape 4

Loved this weeks look at tonalist landscapes....enjoyed the paint....loved the warm tones of the mixed autumn colours, reds, burgandies, Sienna's, mixes that often include a burnt fav this week. The colours of the trees this week have been spectacular...don't know what makes the leaves on the trees more colourful some years than others...need to research's funny hat I have been in a state of angst about my painting until this know those periods where every other artist seems to have a perfect art life.....go to studio...paint masterpiece....sell masterpiece....etc etc.....And Facebook helps generate those feelings.

I have painted long enough to know that if you are in that period of angst then that usually precedes going on a roll....well it does for me...if you didn't have those negative feelings then you wouldn't push through and go out of your safe land in paint, would you ? You would just repeat what you were doing progression ........

I use a lot of paint in my process....I put it down and then wipe it off.mmmm.....very little is , ' placed,'

What do tonalist landscapes mean to me ?
Often....subtle use of tone ( Whistler )
Lots of mid tone work.....but then
Lots of big dramatic tonal changes ( David Sharpe)
Simple composition
Not much detail
Stillness....not much movement

52 cm sq ( 20 and half inches ) square.I can still feel the wind in it but loved it

52 cm sq....still feel the the warmth too

Some areas of this one remind me of Douglas Fryer ...research his work....or Russel Frampton....research his too 52 cm sq.

52 cm sq. Well I have done it ...Are all tonalist painters male ? Discuss ...Are there any female ones ? Often if I am looking at art I don't know it's quite good to look at the work and ask yourself  is this artist male or female ?

52 cm sq. The paintings are dark...but not cold...I like that.... Try a grungy wash all over the piece...

Try 9 small ( 15 cm sq.) pieces to consolidate/ explore further....

15 cm sq

15 cm sq

15 cm sq

15 cm sq.

15 cm sq

15 cm sq

15 cm sq.

15 cm sq.

15 cm sq

I've done them now, loved them....want to do 100 more today but then I know I am at the mercy of the muse and the feeling might go off me tomorrow.....he ho

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