Saturday, 9 April 2016

Daily walk.....

So today's , ' Saturday paint day, ' involved mixing of lovely greys. I had been looking at the work of Nicholas Herbert....small wonderful drawings and paintings , done plein air, water soluable crayon (must get some ) and acrylic , Davy's grey is used quite a lot.

I don't use Davy's grey, my tube was half full and dried up ... I made something similar with black, white and light olive green but it didn't have the transparency of the real Davy's grey. Anyway I enjoyed the mixing and after the walk today felt that I would try ( she says ) to.....

Use Davy's grey
Work from memory and not use an image which I find restricting
Look back at a couple of Dailies that I could base the painting on.
Do it in an hour.Mmmmm not much to ask then......

These were the Dailies that I referred to... They are 52 cm sq.

Above....graphite and acrylic on paper, pasted to cotton stretched over board.

Above was mixed media, acrylic and paper on board.

The Painting !
Loved the process of painting. Loved mixing the greys , which I mixed on the board. I had given the board three coats of raw umber acrylic.

These were the thoughts/ words that came to mind.....randomly.....
Nod to Nicholas Herbert in the Davy's grey 
Can't get a swathe of one colour at this size ( 33 inches square )
It becomes about the paint rather than the landscapes
Davy's grey is sombre
The little marks are just as important as the big ones
Patches of colour

Warm grey, cool grey, green grey
Need to , ' still, ' some areas.

Mmmm.What was I trying to do.....?

Use Davy's grey.....done
Work from memory no image....done
Look back at the two dailies as a base for the paint ing....done but you wouldn't guess , the painting went it's own way..
Do it in an hour big time....kept messing

What did I like
Well TODAY I like
The coolness of the colours , it did remind me of my distilled landscapes
The scratches and marks with the pencils ( water soluable graphite )
Actually doing the paint

What didn't l like ?
It is a bit sombre
The tones.....are they all too similar ?

As always, I need to come back to it with fresh eyes....

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