The colour ( don't like charcoal- colour too harsh, and it's very messy ! )
Drawing itself's meditative
What don't I like ?
It's slow
Can't get the dark tones ( that's a plus too )
Don't like the colour of some of the paper...too white, which then means it jars against the graphite colour
So, been drawing since Friday.....small ones, so they are realisable ....and drawing with the mind that I can work back into them with colour, pastels, inks...anything really....
Whose drawing do I like ?
Richard Whadcock....tones yum
Laurie Steen....lines yum
Pencils, water soluable pencils, powdered graphite, rubber, propelling pencil.....yum....made a home for them !
The work...chopped, cropped,played about with, enjoyed....
Made some backboards to simulate mounts, painted them black, dark grey and white...interesting
Some of the work looked ok on the boards, some not....
Love a big mount above
I was trying to get the work to work as a collective. Laurie Steen does that with some if hers...wonderful
Just put up quickly on the studio wall
This one worked only in the small white frame....interesting isn't it ? Made me realise once more that each piece needs to be considered seperately when it comes to the mounting and framing.
Even liked the strips that I chopped off when I cropped the work.....they are like landscape slices....these were actually the tops of the trees.....I have mounted some work like this before...when I hadn't got any card big enough for the whole frame...I did it in two pieces but like that look too...
The work was all different sizes.....when I drew big,I ended up cropping it !
These were small 14 cm square pieces from the photo....loved doing them....
This was the finished 33 inches square , acrylic on board....loved doing it...
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