Monday, 9 February 2015

One long painting

I am a little behind with the a Dailies. Too much priming means not as much painting......AND.........I want to try a painting that butted up to another painting ........ BUT .........I need to do them in layers and that means not half hour paintings because the layers have to dry. We will see.

These are photos from yesterday's walk. I had taken them on my phone and rather than transfer them electronically, with my ipad, I took a physical photo of my phone. It made for a blurred, grainy image. Much better to paint from.....

This was the first one. I do have problems with painting from an image. I feel restricted and controlled by the photo. Try just looking at it for a minute........anyway, I did it, I liked it, I can see I 
have put more colour into the landscape. That's ok. I had to let the layers dry. Frustrating !

This was the second, made from memory, aware of the first one.what do I want from these paintings ?
To move in and out of focus
To move in and out of realism / abstract
To move in and out of light and dark tone
To introduce pockets of colour
To move in and out of colour
To move in and out of seasons
For them to stand up on their own too
Can't wait.

These below were the first two together. Loved them !

This below was the third painting. I felt happy with the abstract qualities. I made it in one sitting, without letting the layers dry. Loved it ! 

This was the first three together. Loved them !

Ok ..... So I can see these paintings right round a gallery space, at eye height. Someone must have done that before. Research !

You know, each day I come into the studio , there is a slight ( sometimes major ) anxiety that the muse has gone. That I won't be able to paint. That the drive to paint has deserted me. Get over yourself. 

Right so looking at those three paintings
The words that come to mind when I look at them are ; bleak,dark,tonal austire,quiet,still. Researching artists threw up the following  George Innes ( below )
Fred Ingrams ( below )

John Twatchman ( below ) love them.

Nicholas Herbert ( below ) love them

Richard Whadcock ( below ) love them

Can't wait ...... Haven't got any boards but May try paper .......mmmm

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