Sunday, 20 September 2015

Back to painting and blogs

It seems forever since the Daily paintings and the blog posts. I needed to stop the Daily paintings and it was harder than I thought. I had to really reorganise my work space, not paint for a few weeks and generally reevaluate the Painter's progress. There seemed little point in continuing if the paintings were not going anywhere but being stacked up in the spare room. Try another gallery but haven't been successful so far.

Anyway, I am back creating paintings for my own spaces . Next stop my bedroom. What do I want...... Wrap arounds ( by that I mean that each painting is butted up to the previous one and there is a flow from one to another, like I have done in my. French room. ) I wanted to do the bigger size of  33 inches square and had already a board cut ( need to get some more done ) I thought that I might put some figures on , maybe the children when they were younger..... But have to mind not to be sentimental.

Anyway I put down a few layers of grotty colours to use up the paint ( like veridian ugh ! ) then set off putting the paint down randomly. I like to blen but sometimes then blend it into bland !  Beware.
Leave it to dry . Revisit tomorrow.
Flat on the work table

Propped up ( light gone already )

Try another few before I critique / diss them !
Perhaps look again at the greys in the distilled landscapes.

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