I have been painting 52 cm sq. landscape paintings. I have a lot of boards this size from doing a years daily paintings in 2014. Many of those have been repainted but some still remain...interesting how things move on and change....I have read somewhere this week that if your painting is the same 10 years on then there's been no progression.Mmm. Makes sense.
If you set off aimlessly with no aims in a painting then often you get an aimless painting. I think. I set off thinking about orange and how I avoid it. It plays no part in my paintings and I though that I could explore mixes of orange. Well, best laid plans, because I covered all the orange and orange mixes up and became much more interested in light effects in the landscape. We looked at light in the Art group and I felt very strongly that I don't paint light. I just paint tones that can be interpreted as light effects. Interesting. That said, I have been looking at artists whose interpretation of light effects I adore, Turner and Richard Whadcock come top of the shop.
' A gentle light,' acrylic on board, 52 cm sq.
I really enjoyed the mixes of umber, black and white this week.
' A light spills,' acrylic on board, 52 cm sq.
Very subtle, maybe too subtle....live with it for a while.
No title yet. Acrylic on board.52 cm sq.
Textures subtle.
' The light just danced this morning,' acrylic on board, 52 cm sq.
This one had many incarnations this week but I like it.....today....
' Distant light,' acrylic on board , 52 cm sq.
This one too had a lot of incarnations but it feels right today. Looks massively different in different light. Mmm ...need to try them in different spaces to see how they look. Some may look too subtle. Need also to make the cradle frames for the backs of them.....
There are lots of works on paper this week. Ran out of cartridge paper....off to order some.....
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