Saturday 7 May 2016


Not a good paint day.... Painted and painted but not sure in any way. Leave it to dry overnight then come back with fresh eyes.......

I wanted ......greys, calm,trees, landscape, a painting that would relate to last week's. Referenced one of the distilled landscapes....,Mmmmm

Lots of words....
Wanted grey
Wanted a combination of blend and texture
Let's have Spring
Don't get the image too early
What's the worst that can happen ?
The gentleness of a hazy Spring morning
Enveloping peace

Too much paint

It's hard to paint in your head !
Too tentative
The grass traps the light
Love the a her grey
Often I like a nothingness
Gentle tones
So many incarnations
There are different weights to the mists

Above...enveloped in peaceful mist...acrylic, 33 inches square.

Below 14 cm squares, working experimentally with the sumi ink and acrylic. I put the sumi ink down first on some and after on others. It worked any way , it just depends on what you want. Enjoyed the small ones. 

Tried a display combining the Daily walks and the 14 cm sq. Instants that inform ALL my work ! Liked it today. Still in June sumi ink, trying to combine it with acrylic paint in the same piece. Lots of potential ! Love it 

Love the fact that when you change the display in the Art lounge you completely alter the flavour of the room......Love the art !

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